For Employee

Best way to contact you
Are you still currently employed by this employer?
Did/does your employer sponsor a work visa under which you were/are employed?
Have you signed a severance agreement?
Have you been offered a severance agreement?
Did you work more than forty (40) hours per week for this employer?
Were you paid overtime for any hours worked over forty (40) per week?
Were you fired?
Did the employer violate its own policy in its dealings with you?
If so, is that policy in writing?
If yes, can you provide us with a copy of that policy?
Have others experienced the same problems with this employer?
Have others been treated differently than you for the same conduct?
Did you report the issue to Human Resources or your boss?
Was the report in writing?
Was there an investigation?
Did your employer take any action?
Did anyone witness the discrimination you described?
Is there a known deadline you are facing?
Have you ever filed a discrimination, harassment, or employment case before?
Did someone refer you to us?

Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in this form. This form sends information by non-encrypted e-mail which is not secure.

Submitting this form does not create an attorney-client relationship.